Palama’s free grab-and-go keiki meals are now available during lunch time from 11:00-12:00 PM. We will no longer be serving suppers in the late afternoon. Pick up is still in the front parking lot at 810 N. Vineyard Boulevard, Honolulu, HI 96817. Just drive up and let our staff know how many meals you need for your keiki (any youth under the age of 18 years).
We have changed the time of our meals so we can serve the two youth programs that have restarted on campus – Summer Enrichment Program (SEP) and In-Community Treatment Program (ICTP). SEP and ICTP are now in session on campus in a modified format and are benefiting from the summer lunch program. Meals are still available to the general public; keiki do not need to be enrolled in a program on campus to pick up a meal.