Mystery Night Title Sponsor: The Queen’s Medical Center

Thank you to The Queen’s Medical Center for being our Title Sponsor for Mystery Night at the Settlement fundraiser! Join us on June 18, 2016 and recruit a team of five to investigate, interrogate and uncover clues to solve a murder mystery inspired by a local 1930s unsolved case, written by Gary Dias, The Queen’s Medical Center’s Director of Security & Safety Service and retired Honolulu Police Department major.

Guests will play detectives as they witness the case unfold and question key suspects. The all-star cast include: Su Shin, Hawaiian Telcom executive director of marketing and communications and Palama Settlement board member; Dan Meisenzahl, University of Hawaii spokesperson; Chris Hart and Gary Dickman, co-hosts of The Sports Animals, ESPN 1420 AM; Dr. Julius Pham, The Queen’s Medical Center and Johns Hopkins University; Kehaulani Christian, 2002 Miss Hawaii; and Jill Lau Fukumoto, 2016 Narcissus 2nd Princess.

Proceeds from this fundraiser will support Palama Settlement’s Pakolea youth sports program. For more information, please click here.

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