Leland Blackfield Youth Activity Center

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Leland Blackfield Youth Activity Center

The Leland Blackfield Youth Activity Center is the center for kids to enjoy the leisure of playing old school arcade games on an original PACMAN station, access to modern gaming systems such as PS5s and Nintendo Switch.  Kids also challenge each other in pool and ping and pong competitions. Children are also able to stream their favorite TV series with their friends and relax on the couches around the entertainment center.

The Game Room is open from Mon – Fri,
2:30pm – 5:30pm & Wed, 1:30pm – 5:30pm



For the first time since the pandemic, LBYAC hosted their first seasonal-program over the Spring Break! At the “LBYAC Spring Camp 2024”, children were able to show off their vocal talent and dance moves on “Let’s Make Music Monday!”.  On Thursday, the children learned the importance of “Keeping your HOME clean” and recycling by picking up and disposing trash around the campus and utilizing some of the items they found to create their own board games.  Check out the fun we had during Spring Break in LBYAC!

For more information about L.B.Y.A.C. programs or events

p. (808) 848-2506
